New papers available in aeronautics area:
Performance Characteristics and Optimisation of a Geared Intercooled Reversed Flow Core Engine
Camilleri, W., Anselmi, E., Sethi, V., Laskaridis, P., Rolt, A., and Cobas, P.
Co-authored by Cranfield University, Rolls-Royce UK and Empresarios Agrupados.
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, DOI: 10.1177/0954410014530679, 2014
Concept description and assessment of the main features of a geared intercooled reversed flow core engine
Camilleri, W., Anselmi, E., Sethi, V., Laskaridis, Gronstedt, T., Zhao, X., P., Rolt, A., and Cobas, P.,
Co-authored by Cranfield University, Chalmers University, Rolls-Royce UK and Empresarios Agrupados.
Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, doi: 10.1177/0954410014557369
Performance Assessment of a Geared Turbofan with Intercooling and a Reverse Flow Core.
Camilleri W, Anselmi E, Sethi V, Rolt A, Laskaridis P, Cobas P.
Co-authored by Cranfield University, Rolls-Royce UK and Empresarios Agrupados.
In Proceedings XXI International Symposium Air Breathing Engines (ISABE-2013-1713), Busan, Korea