Papers: Aeronautics

2021Axial Compressor Mean-Line Analysis: Choking Modelling and Fully-Coupled Integration in Engine Performance SimulationsIoannis Kolias, Alexios Alexiou, Nikolaos Aretakis and Konstantinos Mathioudakis
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, School of Mechanical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2021Novel Aero-Engine Multi-Disciplinary Preliminary Design Optimization Framework Accounting for Dynamic System Operation and Aircraft Mission PerformanceAlexios Alexiou, Nikolaos Aretakis, Ioannis Kolias and Konstantinos Mathioudakis
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, School of Mechanical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2020Turboelectric Distributed Propulsion Modelling Accounting For Fan Boundary Layer Ingestion And Inlet Distortion
ASME Turbo Expo 2020
G. Athanasakos, N. Aretakis, A. Alexiou, K. Mathioudakis
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, School of Mechanical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
2018A preliminary study for selecting and optimizing the environmental control systemMaría Aranda Rosales.
Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
Empresarios Agrupados, Simulation Department.
2018ASME GT2018-76494: Direct Integration of Axial Turbomachinery Preliminary Aerodynamic Design Calculations in Engine Performance Component Models
ASME Turbo Expo 2018, 11-15 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
I. Kolias, A. Alexiou, N. Aretakis, K. Mathioudakis.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, School of Mechanical Engineering.
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2017Performance Modelling of an Ultra-High Bypass Ratio Geared Turbofan
23rd ISABE Conference. 3-8 September 2017, Manchester, UK
A. Alexiou, N. Aretakis, I. Roumeliotis, I. Kolias and K. Mathioudakis.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines.
National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
2017Performance of a Supercritical CO2 Bottoming Cycle for Aero ApplicationsFlorian Jacob (1), Andrew Martin Rolt (1), Joshua Marius Sebastiampillai (1), Vishal Sethi (1),
Mathieu Belmonte (1) and Pedro Cobas (2).
(1) Centre for Propulsion Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK.
(2) Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, Madrid, Spain.
2016ASME GT2016-56645: Contra-Rotating Propeller Modelling For Open Rotor Performance SimulationsAlexiou, Frantzis, Aretakis, Riziotis, Roumeliotis, Mathioudakis
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2016ASME GT2016-57722: Industrial Gas Turbine Health and Performance Assesment and Field DataRoumeliotis, Aretakis, Alexiou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2016ASME GT2016-56617: Direct Coupling of a Two-Dimensional Fan Model in a Turbofan Engine Performance SimulationTemplalexis (1), Alexiou (2), Pachidis (3), Roumeliotis (4), Aretakis (2)
(1) Hellenic Air Force Academy
(2) National Technical University of Athens
(3) Cranfield University
(4) Hellenic Naval Academy
2016ASME GT2016-57272: Assesment of Solar Steam Injection in Gas TurbinesC. Kalathakis, Ν. Aretakis, Ι. Roumeliotis, Α. Alexiou, Κ. Mathioudakis
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines
National Technical University of Athens
2016ASME GT2016-57700: Investigation of Different Solar Hybrid Gas Turbines and Exploitation of Rejected Sun PowerC. Kalathakis, Ν. Aretakis, Ι. Roumeliotis, Α. Alexiou, Κ. Mathioudakis
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines
National Technical University of Athens
2015System-Modelling Approach for Counter-Rotating Open Rotor Aerodynamical and Aeroacoustic Performance StudiesAleksandar Joksimovic.
Department of Aerodynamics, Energetics and Propulsion.
ISAE SUPAERO. 31000, Toulouse, France.
2015A mission assessment of aero engine losses
Oskar Thulin (1), Jean-Michel Rogero (2), Tomas Grönstedt (1).
(1) Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
(2) Airbus Operations S.A.S., Toulouse, France
2015EcosimPro/PROOSIS aircraft electrical system modellingVíctor Pordomingo.
Empresarios Agrupados Internacional. S.A., Madrid, Spain
2015EcosimPro/PROOSIS permanent magnet aircraft starter and trapezoidal current controlVíctor Pordomingo.
Empresarios Agrupados Internacional. S.A., Madrid, Spain
2015Flight Mission Study With PROOSISFrancisco Carmona
UC3M, Madrid, Spain
2015Design and development of a simulation tool for aircraft propulsion systemsDaniel Gordillo.
UPM, Madrid, Spain
2014 Performance Characteristics and Optimisation of a Geared Intercooled Reversed Flow Core EngineCamilleri, W., Anselmi, E., Sethi, V., Laskaridis, P., Rolt, A., and Cobas, P.
Co-authored by Cranfield University, Rolls-Royce UK and Empresarios Agrupados
2014 Concept description and assessment of the main features of a geared intercooled reversed flow core engineCamilleri, W., Anselmi, E., Sethi, V., Laskaridis, Gronstedt, T., Zhao, X., P., Rolt, A., and Cobas, P.
Co-authored by Cranfield University, Chalmers University, Rolls-Royce UK and Empresarios Agrupados
Development and Integration of Rain Ingestion Effects in Engine Performance Simulations
Roumeliotis, I., Alexiou, A., Aretakis, N., Sieros, G. and Mathioudakis K.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines (LTT), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
Turbofan Engine Health Assessment from Flight Data
Aretakis, N., Roumeliotis, I., Alexiou, A., Romesis, C. and Mathioudakis K.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines (LTT), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
Numerical Model of a Variable-Combined-Cycle Engine for Dual Subsonic and Supersonic Cruise
Víctor Fernández-Villace and Guillermo Paniagua
Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium
2013Performance Assessment of a Geared Turbofan with Intercooling and a Reverse Flow Core.
(No direct link available online – need to purchase/subscribe to International Symposium Air Breathing Engines (ISABE) 2013 proceedings online).
Camilleri W, Anselmi E, Sethi V, Rolt A, Laskaridis P, Cobas P.
Co-authored by Cranfield University, Rolls-Royce UK and Empresarios Agrupados
The Map Fitting Tool Methodology: Gas Turbine Compressor Off-Design Performance Modeling
Vishal Sethi (1), Georgios Doulgeris (1), Pericles Pilidis (1), Alex Nind (1), Marc Doussinault (2), Pedro Cobas (3), Almudena Rueda (3)
(1) Department of Power and Propulsion, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, MK430AL, UK
(2) Snecma, Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
(3) Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, Madrid 28015, Spain
Helicopter Engine Optimization for Minimum Mission Fuel Burn
A. Alexiou (1), B. Pons (2), P. Cobas (3), Mathioudakis K. (1)
(1) Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens (GREECE)
(2) Turbomeca (FRANCE)
(3) Empresarios Agrupados Internacional (SPAIN)
ASME paper GT-2012-69433: Modelling Contra-Rotating Turbomachinery Components For Engine Performance Simulations: The Geared Turbofan With Contra-Rotating Core Case
Best paper award 2012 of the Cycle Innovations Committee of IGTI / ASME.
Alexiou A., Roumeliotis I., Aretakis N., Tsalavoutas A., Mathioudakis K.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens (GREECE)
ASME paper GT-2012-69417: Assessing Alternative Fuels for Helicopter Operation
Alexiou A. (1), Tsalavoutas A. (1), Pons B.(2), Aretakis N. (1), Roumeliotis I. (1), Mathioudakis K. (1)
(1) Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens (GREECE)
(2) Pre-Design Team, Turbomeca (FRANCE)
Short and Long Range Mission Analysis for a Geared Turbofan with Active Core Technologies. ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Paper Number GT-2010-22701
Alexiou, A., Aretakis, N., Roumeliotis, I. and Mathioudakis K.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens (GREECE)
Evaluación de motores open rotor contra rotativos con caja de reducción para vuelos de corta distancia (Geared Open Rotor Performance Assessment for short range civil Aviation)
Pablo Bellocq, Pericles Pilidis, Vishal Sethi
Department of Power and Propulsion, Cranfield University, UK
Ten Years of Experience With a Small Jet Engine as a Support for Education
O. Leonard, J.P. Thomas, S. Borguet. University of Liege, Belgium
Performance Assessment of a Pre-Cooled Turbofan for Hypersonic Vehicle Acceleration
C. Paridaens, D. Verstraete, P. Hendrick
Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Secondary Air System Component Modelling For Engine Performance Simulations. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, 131 (3), pp. 800-808.
Alexiou, A. and Mathioudakis K.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens (GREECE)
Direct-Transfer Pre-Swirl System: Performance Modelling, Validation and Optimisation. 8th European Turbomachinery Conference, Paper Number 249.
Alexiou, A. and Mathioudakis K.
Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens (GREECE)
ASME GT2007-27086: Advanced Capabilities for Gas Turbine Engine Performance Simulations Alexiou, Baalbergen, Kogenhop, Mathioudakis, Arendsen
ICAS2006: Multiobjetive Evolutionary Algorithms applied to Aircraft Engine Design
Coelho,R., Pierret,S. and Cobas,P.
ASME GT2006-90339: Gas Turbine Engine Performance Model Applications Using An Object-Oriented Simulation Tool Alexiou, Mathioudakis. National Technical University, Athens, Greece
ASME GT2005-68678: Development of Gas Turbine Performance Models Using a Generic Simulation Tool Alexiou, Mathioudakis. National Technical University, Athens, Greece
Building a flight mechanics library using EcosimPro ( ES)
Borja García Gutiérrez and Ramón Pérez Vara, EA Internacional, Madrid, Spain
Simulation of compressible internal flow systems with EcosimPro
José Javier Alvarez, Industria de Turbo Propulsores (ITP), Madrid, Spain