Modelling and Simulation Consulting
Perform Simulation Studies for our clients: EA's engineers have many years of experience in using EcosimPro/PROOSIS simulation tools and in modelling complex systems.
Technical Assistance: Help users to optimize their models, to use the appropriate techniques in each case, to study non-convergence errors in models, etc. enabling our customers to reduce costs and optimize their resources.
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Different courses are regularly offered on modelling with our tools. EA also provides tailored courses on selected topics for each company. You can contact us for specific courses.
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Help Desk
EcosimPro and PROOSIS users with active maintenance contracts can access a webpage to report bugs and suggest enhancements. We encourage using it to report any problem or bug detected in the tool so that the support team can provide solutions immediately. This web page can be used to keep logs of messages and to track how the problem evolves over time.