In the first week of May (2nd to 6th) the EcosimPro team will be at the biannual Space Propulsion Conference organized by ESA and 3AF in Rome. We will have a stand where we will be showing the new features of EcosimPro and of the space propulsion simulation toolkits. ESA and Empresarios Agrupados have organized a workshop for users of EcosimPro/ESPSS on Thursday 5th May at 14:00. There will also be two conference sessions dedicated to EcosimPro/ESPSS papers on Thursday 5th May (Sessions 69 and 77) and on Friday 6th May (Session 93). Empresarios Agrupados will present the paper entitled ESPSS Model of a Simplified Combined-Cycle Engine for Supersonic Cruise in Session 93.
For more info visit the conference web: