Cutting-edge papers using EcosimPro/ESPSS were published in the last Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1. These papers show the highly multidisciplinary capabilities offered by EcosimPro/ESPSS, being it used to address both chemical and electric propulsion system analyses by leading propulsion companies and institutions. The following list is an excellent proof of it:
- Validation of a xenon propulsion system simulation model with 5-KW class Hall-effect thruster coupled tests. TAS-UK, M. Coletti.
- Overview of the development of a H2O2 based chemical attitude control system for Vega-C. Nammo Raufoss AS, B. Haemmerli.
- Nonlinear Control of an Expander-Bleed Rocket Engine using Reinforcement Learning. DLR, K. Dresia.
- Development of a film-cooled thrust chamber component in the ESPSS library. Sapienza University of Rome, P. Concio