Course on Space Propulsion System Modelling

José Moral & Javier Vila, EcosimPro/PROOSIS

The course “Space Propulsion System Modelling with EcosimPro/PROOSIS” will be held in our Madrid offices on 6th, 7th and 8th October. This course is aimed at engineers working on the design of space propulsion systems.

The course will start with an introduction to the use of EcosimPro that will help students become familiar with the graphic user interface and with the basic use of the programming language. The next step is the graphical creation of new models related to space propulsion, as well as the configuration of associated experiments that allow their simulation and the display of the results.

Once the basic concepts have been grasped, the second part of the course will focus on the modelling of space propulsion systems and subsystems. Students will learn about the main features of the ESPSS space propulsion libraries and will complete test models to check the simulation capabilities for fluid transient effects (water hammer), heat transfer, combustion processes, turbo-machinery or tanks, among others.

The last part of the course will focus on the creation, simulation and analysis of complete typical space propulsion models. Systems such as the filling of a complex pipe network with homogenous two-phase flow, a fuel tank pressurisation system with associated control or the configuration for startup, stabilisation and shutdown of a rocket engine, including the corresponding valve opening laws, will be studied. The simulation capabilities of steady-state models of these systems under design and off-design conditions will also be displayed. Finally, the different possibilities of connection to external software will also be explained.

The inscription period for the course is now open. For further information, please contact us at This is the EcosimPro course brochure