Pedro Cobas, EcosimPro/PROOSIS & Alex Alexiou (NTUA)
EA participated in the ASME SAE S-15 Standardisation Committee on “Gas Turbine Performance Simulation Nomenclature and Interfaces” in Cleveland, USA, between 20th and 21st October 2015. Representatives from some of the most important aeronautical R&D companies and centres (General Electric, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Pratt Witney, Rolls Royce, MTU, NLR, etc) were in attendance.
This was the first time that EA had been invited to participate in this committee, where it gave a detailed presentation of PROOSIS. Similarly, EA presented the implementation status of the various international standards in the latest version of PROOSIS, including the following:
- ARP 5571 and AS755 on the standardisation of the identification of variables, stations and objects.
- ARP468 for the standardisation of an API to access the engine models from C and Fortran
- AS4191, which implements an API to provide special access from Fortran programs
The reference documents of all the standards were discussed over the two days, and new modifications were agreed on for some of them.
The latest additions to NPSS and GSP simulation tools were also presented, both are motor performance simulators that are similar to PROOSIS. NPSS has been developed by a consortium of companies led by NASA ad under the execution of the Southwestern Research Institute (SWRI), and GSP is a program developed by NLR (Netherlands).
These meetings were fruitful for all attendees of the aeronautical engine industry because they served to exchange points of view on different aspects of these programs. They will certainly be taken into account in the new versions of our PROOSIS product.
Furthermore, participation in the development committees of the standards will allow us to keep to date on their evolution and facilitate their incorporation into PROOSIS. It will also allow EA to suggest improvements to future versions of the standards based on our experience with PROOSIS users.