The 4th ESPSS Users Workshop for users of EcosimPro/ESPSS was held on March 6, 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. The novelties of the new release of EcosimPro, EcosimPro 5.4, and new capabilities of the latest version of the space propulsion ESPSS were presented at the event, attended by more than 20 engineers from different European companies that use this product and organised by ESA (European Space Agency) and EA (Empresarios Agrupados).
During the workshop, improvements to the ESPSS toolkit aimed at converting the tool into a product of reference worldwide for the modeling of space propulsion systems were discussed. In addition, EA proposed solutions to various problems encountered by users.
At the close, ESA took good note of the many good new ideas put forth for improving future releases of the EcosimPro/ESPSS product.