1. Step-by-step. How to open the program [YouTube]
3. Step-by-Step. How to work graphically [YouTube]
5. Step-by-Step. How to create a partition and experiment [YouTube]
7. Step-by-Step. How to simulate a model [YouTube]
9. Step-by-Step. Simulation from the schematics tool [YouTube]
11. Step-by-Step. Simulation from Excel [YouTube]
13. Step-by-Step. Connection with Matlab and Simulink [YouTube]
15. Step-by-Step. Connection with OPC-UA standard [YouTube]
2. Step-by-Step. How to create a workspace [YouTube]
4. Step-by-Step. How to code a component [YouTube]
6. Step-by-Step. How to encapsulate a simulation model as a deck [YouTube]
8. Step-by-Step. Graphical simulation tool [YouTube]
10. Step-by-Step. Generating simulation reports [YouTube]
12. Step-by-Step. Connection with MS VC++ [YouTube]
14. Step-by-Step. Connection with FMI-FMU standard [YouTube]