During the last ASME TURBO Conference in Seoul (from 13th to 17th June), the National Technical University of Athens (Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachinery) presented some interesting test cases using PROOSIS. Here is provided a brief description of the papers:
Paper No. GT2016-56645: “Contra-Rotating Propeller Modelling for Open Rotor Engine Performance Simulations”
This paper was presented in the “Propellers and Open Rotors” session of the Aircraft Committee. It describes a method for modelling contra-rotating propellers in PROOSIS and their use in developing an Open Rotor engine model. PROOSIS is presented in this paper as a tool that is capable and flexible enough to deal with such advanced engine concepts and simulations.
Paper No. GT2016-56617: “Direct Coupling of a Two-Dimensional Fan Model in a Turbofan Engine Performance Simulation”
This paper was presented in the “Turbomachinery Design Aspects” session of the Cycle Innovations Committee. It deals with the subject of multi-fidelity engine performance calculations. PROOSIS is mentioned explicitly throughout the paper as the tool that can support such type of simulations. This is a joint publication with Cranfield University and the Hellenic Airforce and Naval Academies. EAI is included in the Acknowledgements section for even greater publicity.
Paper No. GT2016-57722: “Industrial Gas Turbine Health and Performance Assessment with Field Data”
This paper was presented in the “Gas Path Performance and Monitoring” session of the Control, Diagnostics & Instrumentation Committee. It concerns the application of the LTT/NTUA diagnostic tool in a Combined Heat and Power Plant. In this work, PROOSIS was used to create very accurate performance models of the power plant gas turbine engines using an automated procedure developed entirely as a PROOSIS Experiment.
Paper No. GT2016-57700: “Investigation of Different Solar Hybrid Gas Turbines and Exploitation of Rejected Sun Power”
This paper was presented in the “CSP Low Emission Cycles” session of the Cycle Innovations Committee. This paper uses the SOLAR library developed by LTT/NTUA and the TURBO library to assess solar hybridization of different gas turbine engine configurations. This is purely an application example clearly demonstrating PROOSIS multi-disciplinary and inter-library simulation capabilities.
Paper No. GT2016-57272: “Assessment of Solar Steam Injection in Gas Turbines”
This paper was presented in the same session as the previous one. Again this is an application example that combines PROOSIS TURBO and LTT/NTUA SOLAR and STEAM libraries in order to study steam injection in gas turbines where the steam is generated through solar energy. The paper exemplifies PROOSIS ability to handle complex physical phenomena and configurations.
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